It's summer time indeed! The kiddos are enjoying spending alot of time in the water. And just being outdoors. Even though it is HOT! We've gone bike riding, swinging at the park or just for a walk early in the morning before it gets too sticky and hot.
C & R playing in the pool at Grandmama and Poppa's house
Reilly is really testing her limits with us. We have to tell her not to do something several times before she listens. More likely, she hears us all the time but chooses only to "listen" when she knows she's pushed us too far. Campbell listens pretty well most of the time. Of course, when you correct him or tell him no, he flails himself on the ground and throws a fit. I thought they were called the Terrible Two's - his tantrums started at 9 months!
Reilly playing with her baby doll
Funny story about Miss Reilly - I took her to church on Saturday evening by myself. She's the one that usually acts the best at church. But that was not the case this night! We made it through to the homily but that was it - she was wiggling away and starting to throw a fit. So I picked her up, the diaper bag and my purse and walk down the aisle to the back of the church. When I go to set her down, I realize that she had been holding my dress open and I was flashing my bra to the whole congregation. I was mortified!! Had I been somewhere else besides church, I may have just received a round of applause.
We toughed it out through the end of Mass at the back of the church but Reilly acted awful. I suppose that I jinxed myself by thinking that she would be the "good one" at church. Needless to say, it will probably be a while before I attempt that on my own again.

Looking over the gate
Campbell "smiling" for the camera